The Best Way to Restore Balance to Life Is to Treat Life Itself.

The Best Way to Restore Balance to Life Is to Treat Life Itself.

At The Shoreline Therapy Center, we provide therapy and counseling that not only begins in the therapist’s office but also extends throughout the person’s life. We treat our clients in real, relatable terms — no psychobabble allowed — with sensitivity, care and privacy.

Child & Adolescent Therapy

Child & Adolescent Therapy

Our approach always includes the family. Usually, we begin the therapy with a session just with the parents followed by three-to-four sessions with the…

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Individual Adult Therapy

Individual Adult Therapy

We believe the most critical step in therapy is determining the right fit between the individual and therapist. When a client begins with us, we schedule a meeting...

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Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Our goal in family therapy is to take what is in many situations a dysfunctional family and to turn it into a functional family. A systems approach is particularly relevant for...

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Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

We believe the most important factor is finding a “safe place” where the couple can work on key issues. This allows us to “dig deep” and get to the underlying factors affecting...

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Co-Facilitated Therapy

Co-Facilitated Therapy

We often employ co-facilitated therapy across all of our practice areas as the situation warrants. At The Center our team approach allows us the advantage...

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One-on-One Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

We offer one-on-one coaching either to supplement any type of our therapies or on a stand-alone basis. Our coaches are adept at helping individuals deal with the obstacles...

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Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning

Executive functioning helps manage all of life’s tasks. It is the ability to plan, adapt, manage time, have organizational skills, multi-task, and use self-control...

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Reunification Therapy

Reunification Therapy

Reunification therapy aims to restore relationships between parents and children, often after a traumatic event such as divorce, abuse, or neglect...

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The Connections Program

The Connections Program is built upon the concepts of teamwork and community integration. Using a team-based approach, the client will meet with an individual therapist, family therapist, care coordinator, and connections coach.






The Connections Difference fills the void in therapeutic services by providing a continuum of care.

We work with a wide range of mental health conditions
Team based approach with our providers and your family
Aim to achieve functional independence
Multi-disciplinary approach to treatment
Focuses on both the individual and their community
Bridge the gaps in treatment options

Areas of Expertise: below please find some of our key strengths.

— Blogs —

Reunification Therapy vs. Supervised Visitation

Reunification Therapy vs. Supervised Visitation

In child welfare and high-conflict divorce cases, a child can become distant from one or both parents.  The child may not be in the parents' care due to being placed in foster care after a DCF investigation, or losing custody of the child to the other parent.  After...

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Tips for Therapy with Adolescents

Tips for Therapy with Adolescents

Therapy can vary from being extremely successful, to very challenging when working with adolescents. Some adolescents agreed to therapy and felt they wanted support, however some teens are in therapy not by their own choice due to parents or other systems enforcing...

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Hit the Unfriend Button on Toxic Relationships

Hit the Unfriend Button on Toxic Relationships

Friends make life fun and sometimes, more tolerable.  Having quality friendships is a key factor in having a more enjoyable life.  However, not-so-great friendships can actually bring us down and have a negative impact on our mental health.  Unless you know the signs...

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Tips for Therapy with Adolescents

Tips for Therapy with Adolescents

Therapy can vary from being extremely successful, to very challenging when working with adolescents. Some adolescents agreed to therapy and felt they wanted support, however some teens are in therapy not by their own choice due to parents or other systems enforcing...

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Hit the Unfriend Button on Toxic Relationships

Hit the Unfriend Button on Toxic Relationships

Friends make life fun and sometimes, more tolerable.  Having quality friendships is a key factor in having a more enjoyable life.  However, not-so-great friendships can actually bring us down and have a negative impact on our mental health.  Unless you know the signs...

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Treat Yourself With Love

Treat Yourself With Love

Valentine’s day is widely known to be a holiday for the lovers.  For some people, this holiday can be very exciting for those who love to give to their partners and spend time together.  For others, it can feel overwhelming with the pressure to go all out for their...

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DBT Techniques: DEAR MAN

DBT Techniques: DEAR MAN

Interpersonal effectiveness is one of the four core pieces of dialectical behavior therapy.  The primary goals of interpersonal effectiveness include communicating your wants and needs, getting people to do what you need, setting appropriate boundaries and being taken...

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