About Us
At The Shoreline Therapy Center, we are a team. We work as a team, collaborate as a team and grow as a team. And, as a team, we’ve developed a unique approach to therapy. Together, we customize a plan for each individual client. It begins with the admissions process where team members assess the client’s situation, then proceeds to the assignment of a therapist who is the best possible fit, then plan development, plan implementation and quality control.
For each of our clients, they are at the center of their own therapy. They help plan it, share responsibility for implementing it and, ultimately own it.
We offer a multiplicity of services from Individual Counseling to Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Couples Therapy, One-on-One Coaching, Personal Wellness Training and our CONNECTIONS program, but our team touches each and every service we offer to each and every client.
We believe the most robust insights and creative solutions come through the perspectives of multiple lenses. Even if our client is seeing one clinician for individual therapy, the client’s history, progress and issues are shared with our entire team. Questions are asked, ideas are suggested, modifications are discussed.
Because it results in better, more rapid results for our clients and provides an extra layer of oversight to assure that each and every client is getting the very best possible care.
We wouldn’t have it any other way.
