Shoreline Therapy Center Client Stories
While The Connections Program is based upon a common model of care, the actual program is customized to each individual through the collaboration of that client’s specific Connections Team. The Shoreline Therapy Center Client Stories presented below will give you a detailed perspective on the depth and breadth of the program.

Kelsey's Story
Kelsey, a 6-Year-Old with Behavioral Issues
Kelsey has a history of temper tantrums, most possibly as a result of constant teasing at school concerning her dyslexia. She has not been mixing in with her peers at school adequately and has told her parents that she wanted to die… read more»

Erik's Story
Erik, a 10-Year-Old on the Spectrum
Erik was always ahead of the curve in his intellectual development but lagged in terms of social and emotional development. Erik’s parents thought it might be because he was an only child. When he entered kindergarten, it was… read more»

Scott's Story
Scott, a 15-Year-Old Transitioning Back After Wilderness Program
Scott had major difficulties fitting in at his local high school and issues regarding cannabis usage and school attendance as well as technology and behavioral issues. He had been suspended twice and was a… read more»

Christie's Story
Christie, a 17-Year-Old Boarding School Student Demonstrating Self-Harming Behavior
Christie began struggling during her winter semester in a Connecticut boarding school. She had been missing classes, demonstrated self-harming behavior, specifically cutting, and confided in having suicidal thoughts… read more»

Angela's Story
Angela, an 18-Year-Old College Student Suffering from ADHD
Angela was a precocious child. She began talking somewhere between nine and ten months. She picked up language quickly and by five years old, she was carrying on conversations with adults with a vocabulary… read more»

Page's Story
Paige, a 19-Year-Old Struggling to Find Direction
aige was an average student in high school, but her parents really pushed her to go to college. They thought that being exposed to a live-away college community would be good for her maturation and give her an opportunity to discover what she… read more»

Derek's Story
Derek, 25-Year-Old Failing to Launch
Derek has been living at home since high school with a very sedentary lifestyle and spending most of his day watching TV or playing video games. He had been continually overeating, perhaps as a reaction from depression and/or anxiety which had increased his weight to almost 300 pounds. Despite his family’s constant persistence… read more»

Mike's Story
Mike, a 35-Year-Old with Autism
Mike is a 35-year-old male diagnosed with Autism. He lives at home with his parents and is currently unemployed. Additionally, Mike struggles with mood regulation, following through with tasks/directions, social skills and coping with unexpected transitions. Mike has tried individual therapy… read more»