Below are several resources we curate and comment on to help those in the local community — parents, teachers, counselors, therapists and the general community — better understand our perspective as well as the latest topics in psychotherapy.
How to Support Your Child’s Transition from School to Summer
Transitioning from school to summer can be challenging for children, especially those with learning or behavioral challenges. Parents and caregivers play a significant role in providing support and structure during this time to ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition...
Boundary Setting with Parents is TOTALLY Appropriate
Yes, read the title again: boundary setting with family and relatives is TOTALLY appropriate. For someone who has struggled with poor boundaries with her family, especially parents, saying that out loud is weird but feels good! Boundary setting with our parents is...
How DBT Emotion Regulation Skills Became A Staple In My Coping Skills Toolbox
How many scenarios can we think of in our lives where we reacted to something based on our emotions at that moment? How did that go for you? Did it solve the situation, or did it make things worse? I can probably say, the majority of the times I have acted on my...
Teens and Suicide
The term teenage suicide brings up lots of different emotions. Fear, panic, grief, confusion, shock and even disbelief. The Connecticut Shoreline Community has tragically lost a number of its teens to suicide. How could someone so young end their life? As adults, we need to manage these strong emotional reactions…
Should I Stay…Or Should I Go?
It’ been nearly a month since CT began Phase 1 of its reopening plan. The re-openings coupled with the alluring arrival of summer have left many of us struggling with the same question posed by the 1980s British punk rock band, The Clash: Should I stay or Should I...
How to Talk to Kids about Race Protests & Riots
Pacially charged events over the past weeks, most notably the video-taped murder of George Floyd, have triggered protests across the country. For the past 3 months our community has faced the devastating effects of COVID-19. The disproportionate…
Challenges with Teletherapy
We recently wrote a post entitled Adapting to our New Normal – Telehealth in the Age of Covid 19. In it we addressed the many benefits of telehealth. While we might all agree that telehealth allows us to stay…
Our Emotional Response to COVID-19 – The Grief Model
All you have to do is glance at any one of your social media feeds, and you’ll see the breadth of human response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Complex, human emotional diversity in all its glory is documented on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Recently while...
Telehealth at The Center
There is no doubt about it, we are living in unprecedented times. The drastic, restrictive measures designed to curb the spread of COVID-19 have left many of us feeling like our lives resemble a scary Hollywood Sci-Fi film…
Play Hard: The Power of Play Therapy
Consider this interaction between a mom and five year old: Mom: Why did you kick your brother? Five year old: My friend Tommy was provoking me at school, and my frustration started to build into anger. I tried to repress it, but then when I got home, I transferred...