Below are several resources we curate and comment on to help those in the local community — parents, teachers, counselors, therapists and the general community — better understand our perspective as well as the latest topics in psychotherapy.
Understanding Anxiety: The Basics
The word “anxiety” can be easily misunderstood to be something that is always a bad thing. But actually, anxiety is a healthy and normal part of life. However, when our anxiety becomes so prevalent and pervasive that it prevents us from living well and being...
Are You a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?
High sensitivity is an impactful personality trait observed in 15-20% of people. It is characterized by deep cognitive processing, elevated emotional intensity, and increased sensitivity to stimuli. Dr. Elaine Aron, who introduced the term Highly Sensitive Person in...
Do You Know How to Use the Lifesaving 211 Helpline in Connecticut?
A Guiding Light for Suicide Prevention. Maybe you’ve heard of the 211 helpline, operated by the United Way. The 211 helpline in Connecticut is a free, confidential service available 24/7 to all residents. It’s designed as a comprehensive support provision that aids...
Six Core Skills of Mindfulness
In DBT, Mindfulness plays a big role in every skill you learn. Mindfulness teaches us to be in the present moment to have full awareness of what’s going on within us and around us, without judgment, and actively participating in what works. Since this skill is...
Promoting Mental Health for Youth and Young Adults: The Biopsychosocial Model Approach
Mental health is critical to overall well-being, especially for young people navigating the challenges and transitions of youth and young adulthood. In today's ever-changing world, promoting mental health among this demographic is more crucial than ever. To address...
Navigating Your Campus Experience: Tips for Success and Comfort
Whether you are just starting your college journey as a wide-eyed freshman, transferring to a new university, or returning to your college campus, the initial weeks of any school year can be a thrilling, though hectic, adventure. In this blog post, we'll delve into...
A Guide to Building Happy, Healthy Sleep Habits
Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives. It plays a crucial role in our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Yet, many of us struggle to get the restful sleep we need. The following blog post will explore the importance of sleep and...
Raising Awareness on Mental Health this Hispanic Heritage Month
¡Feliz mes de la herencia hispana! Or Happy Hispanic Heritage month! Hispanic Heritage month goes from September 15-October 15th, however the need for mental health awareness is all year round. Mental distress and disorders continue to rise in the Hispanic community...
How to include Self-Care this School Year
Self-care is truly the best care! Whether it’s for elementary-aged kids, middle and high school teens, or college students, all types of students need time for themselves. Sometimes self-care may feel like needing to spend money, but the little things can also make a...
Community Engagement: Cultivating Wellness and Personal Development Together
Community engagement is vital in promoting wellness and personal development, particularly among young people. Cooperative efforts within communities can create a nurturing environment that supports mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This article explores the...
Exterminating Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) for a Happier Life
Our thought patterns strongly influence our experiences and feelings. Just as an ant infestation can disrupt our homes, Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) can wreak havoc on our minds, fostering anxiety, depression, and distress. The following blog post will elaborate...
What it’s really like to be a Perfectionist
On the outside, a perfectionist can seem like they have it all figured out. It looks like we are striving for excellence, always motivated, ready to make improvements, and successful. What is so bad about that? Isn’t this what employers look for in a “perfect”...
Navigating the Social Media Maze: How It Shapes Adolescent Lives
Welcome to the era of smartphones and social media, where every like, comment, and share holds a significant place in the lives of children and adolescents. In this tech-savvy world, it's essential to explore how social media impacts the development of our youth. From...
Thriving Through Summer: Strategies to Keep Kids Engaged & Growing During Downtime
Around July, we move into the humdrums of the summer season, and children and teens begin to get accustomed to their well-deserved break from school—a time for relaxation and unwinding. However, downtime, especially in long stretches, can often lead to boredom,...