
Below are several resources we curate and comment on to help those in the local community — parents, teachers, counselors, therapists and the general community — better understand our perspective as well as the latest topics in psychotherapy.

A Guide to Building Happy, Healthy Sleep Habits

A Guide to Building Happy, Healthy Sleep Habits

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives. It plays a crucial role in our physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Yet, many of us struggle to get the restful sleep we need. The following blog post will explore the importance of sleep and...

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How to include Self-Care this School Year

How to include Self-Care this School Year

Self-care is truly the best care! Whether it’s for elementary-aged kids, middle and high school teens, or college students, all types of students need time for themselves. Sometimes self-care may feel like needing to spend money, but the little things can also make a...

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What it’s really like to be a Perfectionist

What it’s really like to be a Perfectionist

On the outside, a perfectionist can seem like they have it all figured out. It looks like we are striving for excellence, always motivated, ready to make improvements, and successful. What is so bad about that? Isn’t this what employers look for in a “perfect”...

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Boundary Setting with Parents is TOTALLY Appropriate

Boundary Setting with Parents is TOTALLY Appropriate

Yes, read the title again: boundary setting with family and relatives is TOTALLY appropriate.  For someone who has struggled with poor boundaries with her family, especially parents, saying that out loud is weird but feels good!  Boundary setting with our parents is...

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Teens and Suicide

Teens and Suicide

The term teenage suicide brings up lots of different emotions. Fear, panic, grief, confusion, shock and even disbelief. The Connecticut Shoreline Community has tragically lost a number of its teens to suicide. How could someone so young end their life? As adults, we need to manage these strong emotional reactions…

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